Welcome to Mangohero's Transformers shop uk

I buy, sell and trade mainly G1 Transformers and accessories but also some Gobots and other items.

Click on the buttons to the left to see what transformers and parts I have available
and to see what parts I want:

I have also aquired some parts over the years that I do not know what they are.
If you think you can help to identify them click on the button below:

You can see all the identified parts i have:
All are available for sale or trade.
Includes Starwars, G.I.Joe, Zoids, M.A.S.K., Go-bots, Voltron + more.

Here is a league table of all the people who've identified parts:

Here are some other useful transformers sites:

You can e-mail me at: mangohero1978@yahoo.co.uk